Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh Here I Am!

Sorry guys. Sorry for taking a little leave-of-absence. Relax, I'm back. In honor of my return to the blogging world I have decided to post a few poems that have gracefully fallen from my lips recently. I was just kidding about the graceful part but you could say they fell in a certain manner I suppose.

This first one comes from a dialogue I tend to have with myself on occasion. Yeah, I talk to myself.

My Heart is Broken
The pain in my chest is more than I can bear-
Oh, why this blasted eternal ache? 
No God, this life is never fair
If my heart only continues to break.

Wait, what?
Your heart is broken? you must be dead
Your logical fallacies are hurting my head.
A heart cannot be broken, as you say
but after it stops it can rot and decay.
If rot and decay this moment do beset
then I hope, dear one, your mind is cleared of all regrets.
For soon your thoughts will be no more.
Which will spare us who think your whinings a bore.

This second poem came about when my professor asked me to freewrite about the word "death-marked." Naturally I thought of Muppet Treasure Island and began rhyming from there.
Upon my brow, I swore there lied
A funny mark thereon that tied
My life to death, quite ominously
Man and woman, both, avoided me.

Don't worry, I know they're weak sauce. I'm taking a poetry writing class in the fall, that should help.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fashion- Oh How I Love It

Again, it's one of those things I don't like to admit to. When people ask me where I purchased this shirt or that sweater I will tell them, but I won't like it. I feel like a snob. So I usually add something like, "But I bought it at the outlet!" It makes me feel better, what?

I get this warm fuzzy feeling when people tell me I look cute. Sure, I shrug it off like it's nothing, but deep inside I hoard up all of those moments and when I feel particularly scrubbish I take a peek at them to rejuvenate my fashionista spirits. Something so materialistic probably shouldn't make me quite so happy.
But I had one such moment in class the other day. A friend of mine who's not yet an English major but soon will be said, "You have cool color constructions. I like the evolution of that." Yeah buddy. You know who you are. Bless you.