Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Originality and Creativity

Friends, I am on the hunt for a name for my blog. I believe certain friends or family members of mine think that my blog's title is boring. Let me just defend myself by saying I wasn't planning on becoming a blogger when I began. But now that I'm in it I think I need to throw myself a bone and try not to look so lame.

I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this post is because if I'm trying to be original I have to come up with the name on my own. Don't worry, it'll be brilliant when I do.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Ideas

Note to self: peanut butter chips with chocolate chips = success.
Also: DO NOT EVER bake longer than nine minutes.
One more thing: less sugar and more vanilla. And it is okay to be picky about real vanilla vs. the fake junk.
Self, this has been noted.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Do I Bother?

I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning to read my Spanish textbook so as not to bomb a ten-point quiz in class at eight. (The crack of dawn translates to 5:45 in my mind.) My professor then proceeded to give us time in class to study before he administered said quiz. It was only after this fifteen minute time period had ended and the quiz had begun that I realized I read the wrong section. I still managed an 80%. How do I feel about this? Perplexed. And tired.

Embarrassing Confession

I have never endeavored to understand the obsession and recent boom of teeny-bopper hits such as High School Musical and its sequels which, in sheer number, are starting to carry a slight resemblance to all of the The Land Before Time sequels. I wonder to myself,  "How many years can these kids possibly be in high school?"

But this weekend I had a fit of guilty pleasures and ended up getting Cafe Rio as takeout and eating it at home while I watched a cheap RedBox flick (which has turned out to not be so cheap since I still haven't returned it. ___ RedBox. Insert your own expletive or curse as you so choose for the ____. I swear by blanks.). Are you dying to know what movie I chose to entertain myself with this weekend? Was it intellectually stimulating? Since my opening talks about teeny-bopper hits and dinosaur cartoons from however many years ago a good guess is probably, uh, "no."

I don't know why I publish these things to the world but I'm going to tell you anyway. 17 Again. I hope you can read that because I won't say it again. More embarrassing though was how much I loved it. I pride myself on enjoying the aforementioned intellectually stimulating entertainment options. Give me 1984 over Twilight and Blood Diamond over Trendy-Predictable-Chick-Romance-Crap. But sometimes I enjoy a good vampire drama, every once in awhile Notting Hill makes me cry, and occasionally I like Zac Efron movies. I purposefully did not look up how to spell his name. I hope I wrote it wrong. Because the most embarrassing part of all of this is the sad cougar-crush I have developed on this barely-graduated teenage icon. Ugh.

I was going to include a picture of him with his shirt half-off but it felt a little like child porn.