Saturday, September 19, 2009

Way to Go Goodreaders!

After reading another blog about Goodreads I wanted to add my two cents about the site. It is spectacular!
Recently, my 276 class had a little field trip to the library. Now I will be perfectly honest, usually I have a really hard time staying on task and keeping my hot little hands from taking my focus off of the presenter by grabbing the ridiculously tempting mouse in front of me and searching the web to my hearts content. But the education librarian, Rachel Wadham, presented to us about the very websites I would have chosen to peruse anyway! It was fantastic!
I might as well just admit to everyone now how much I love Young Adult fiction. With the recent popularity of the Twilight saga and other such novels it seems I get nothing but flack from my Reading Elitest friends. But back to the point. Rachel took us to Goodreads. Through this site I have found out that Rachel has read over 4000 books and a good chunk of those (perhaps even a fourth) are YA Lit. Yay! I suddenly find the courage to stand up for my ridiculous reading habits and say, "I can read what I want friends! I enjoy the juxtaposition of Hemingway and Meyer on my shelves. So there."
Goodreads allows you to list all of the books you've read, which is spectacular because I've been trying to write those down for years with little success because I simply cannot remember them all at once and I unfailingly lose my list shortly after my half-hearted attempt. Now I have my list neatly saved online. And that isn't the only perk (I feel like a commercial ha ha). No, you can also categorize your books. Be as narrow or as broad as you want. And as you add friends and waste time checking out what they're reading/have read you'll usually find more and more books you forgot you read way back when. Bless my dear sister's little heart, without her I would have forgotten half of the books of my childhood.


  1. I loved reading you gush about goodreads, because I have often gushed as well. In fact, that post I wrote about Reading into How We Read was a direct result of Shannon "bashing" on goodreads and me trying to defend it.

  2. I like Good reads a lot too. Why not teach kids (and ourselves) to have some fun talking about the books they read?
