Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sonnet 2- Mine, Not Shakespeare's

I enjoy being humorous and when I look over my blog I like to think I'm fairly amusing. Sometimes I'll give myself a little chuckle and say, "Oh Ashlee, you've outdone yourself this time." Just kidding.

Although I enjoy humor I've been in a pensive mood today. Thus I wrote a poem that doesn't quite have the funny edge to it that most of mine do. No, it's not about flowers. I just like visual aids. Plus I took that picture on Temple Square in Salt Lake so it kind of fits.

My thoughts move fast- they’re raging in my mind.
I crave the kind and numbing drug of sleep.
For such sweet castles built in sweetest time-
Dreams. Would that I should sink so fast and deep.
But attain that rest I certainly cannot.
Decisions loom and agitate my heart.
I’m wearied, worried, heartbreak not forgot.
Anxious, I rise and tears begin to start.
Then I’m compelled to fall upon my knees
And feel the comfort hardest to describe.
For on this earth there is no greater peace
Than that from Him who once for us did die.
       My faith restored I climb back into bed
       And happily I gently rest my head.


  1. I think this is my favorite poem of yours so far.

  2. Ashlee, Great job on your class website and full credit!
